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Introducing Internet of Things (IoT)

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 18, 2018 10:21:13 AM / by Blog Team

Blog Team

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast growing system of devices, machines, and people that are transmitting data over networks in order to reduce human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.


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The Internet of Things is the term used to describe devices that would not normally connect to the internet. “Things” refers to just about anything that can be embedded with sensors and software by means of giving it digital intelligence and making it a smart device. By adding smart technology to different devices, we are able to capture data from practically anywhere, allowing for increased efficiency, safety, and security.


Consumer IoT

Consumer IoT is the most common type of IoT and includes applications for consumer products. With the rise of smart phones and home assistants, smart technology has been able to take control of the following components in a home or business:

  • Thermostats
  • Alarm systems
  • Smoke detectors
  • Door locks
  • Lighting


Smart Buildings

Buildings are becoming increasingly modernized by incorporating smart technologies in order to improve energy efficiency and manage maintenance costs, water usage, and tenant satisfaction. Transitioning facilities into smart buildings also provides a level of comfort for the occupants by controlling and providing adequate lighting, temperature, and security features.



Connected Vehicles

Connected vehicle technology allows for vehicles to share important transportation information, such as traffic signals, school zones, railroad crossings, and toll booths, while still on the road. Additionally, by adding sensors to vehicles, there is constant communication with and monitoring by the manufacturer in order to predict any component failings.



Health IoT and Medical Devices

Health IoT gathers, transmits, and analyzes data from electronic health records while supporting real-time monitoring, medication compliance, and imaging. Adding smart technology to healthcare devices, including monitors, wearables, implants, and home monitoring tools, has improved overall patient health, preventive care, and patient satisfaction.




Smart Manufacturing

Smart manufacturing has led to technological developments that have enabled innovations, efficiencies, and customizations for business models. Since a lot of businesses no longer have all employees in the same physical location, smart manufacturing utilizes software and sensors that can predict maintenance needs, overtime, material demand, and various other factors based on the data received throughout the entire production.



Adding IoT to logistics has led to the connectivity of all components of a supply chain in order to gather and analyze data at various stages of the process. From handheld scanners to sensors tracking delivery truck performance, logistics was one of the first industries to incorporate IoT technologies into its operation.

Learn more about Logistics using IoT



Warehouses have always been used for storing various kinds of goods. With the advancements in technology and incorporating IoT into the space, warehouses now operate in a technology-driven environment that ensures that the stored goods can be retrieved, processed, and delivered as quickly as possible. Additionally, since everything is monitored through applications, IoT has provided managers with instant insight into how effectively assets are being utilized.

warehouse-with-iotLearn more about Smart Warehouses using IoT 


The Internet of Things has become an increasingly common concept within homes, hospitals, and various other industries. By adding software and smart technologies to vehicles, buildings, medical devices, and everyday devices, all of these things can now be monitored and controlled remotely.

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