AccessAgility Blog

Improving Staff Communication with a Strong Hospital WiFi Network

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 4:20:02 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Hospitals are complex environments with a lot of moving parts. Effective communication is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of a hospital and the safety of its patients. Unfortunately, many hospitals struggle with communication issues, particularly when it comes to their WiFi network.

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Maximizing Efficiency with a Robust Hospital WiFi Network

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 4:13:34 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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A reliable and robust hospital WiFi network is critical for maximizing efficiency and productivity in the healthcare industry. With the growing reliance on electronic medical records and other healthcare technology, a strong and stable WiFi network is essential for ensuring that medical staff have quick and easy access to the information they need to provide the best possible care to their patients.

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The Role of WiFi in Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 4:07:41 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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The role of WiFi in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring is becoming increasingly important as more and more healthcare providers adopt these technologies to improve the quality of care they provide to their patients. WiFi allows healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients, providing them with timely, accurate information that can be used to make important decisions about their care.

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How to Choose the Right WiFi Solution for Your Healthcare Facility

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 4:03:18 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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When it comes to choosing the right WiFi solution for your healthcare facility, there are several factors to consider. From the number of devices and users, to the type of data being transmitted and the level of security required, selecting the right solution can be a daunting task. In this blog post, we will explore the key considerations and provide some practical tips to help you choose the right WiFi solution for your healthcare facility.

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Ensuring HIPAA Compliance with Your Healthcare Facility's WiFi

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 3:40:43 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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As a healthcare facility, it is crucial to ensure that your WiFi network is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA is a federal law that establishes national standards for protecting sensitive patient health information. In order to comply with HIPAA, your facility must have appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information (ePHI).

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The Benefits of Switching to a High-Speed WiFi Solution for Your Hospital

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 3:32:23 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Switching to a high-speed WiFi solution can provide numerous benefits for hospitals. In today's digital age, having a reliable and fast internet connection is crucial for the smooth operation of a hospital. From enabling doctors and nurses to access medical records and communicate with each other, to enabling patients to connect to the internet and stay in touch with their loved ones, a high-speed WiFi solution can help improve patient care and streamline hospital operations.

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Maximizing Patient Satisfaction with Reliable Hospital WiFi

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 3:31:29 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Patient satisfaction is a crucial factor in the healthcare industry, as it not only affects the reputation of a hospital but also plays a role in the overall wellbeing of patients. With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet in the medical field, providing reliable hospital WiFi has become an essential part of ensuring patient satisfaction. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of hospital WiFi and how it can be used to maximize patient satisfaction.

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10 Ways to Boost Your Hospital's WiFi Performance

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 3:22:10 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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In today's world, high-speed and reliable WiFi has become a crucial component of any successful healthcare facility. From enabling efficient communication and collaboration among staff, to supporting the use of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, a strong WiFi network is essential for providing top-quality care. However, achieving optimal WiFi performance in a hospital or clinic can be a challenge, as these environments are typically large, complex, and subject to a variety of potential interference sources.

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How to Secure Your Healthcare Facility's WiFi Network

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 6, 2022 3:19:18 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Securing your healthcare facility's WiFi network is crucial to protect patient data and ensure the smooth operation of your organization. In today's digital age, patient data is a valuable asset that must be protected from unauthorized access or theft. A breach in your WiFi network could result in the loss of sensitive information, which could have serious consequences for your patients and your organization.

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802.11x? How Fast Is It? Wi-Fi Standards, Amendments, and Speeds Explained

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 12, 2022 3:47:42 PM / by Blog Team posted in WiFi

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Wi-Fi Alliance vs. IEEE

Wi-Fi is a trademarked term owned by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology standard that allows devices to communicate over a variety of distances using radio waves.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) sets technical standards for all types of wireless technology; however, 802.11 focuses on wireless networking technology standards. The current standard is 802.11ax-2021, which is based on the use of the 6 GHz frequency band for commercial wireless networking. There actually is no 802.11x! 

Devices that are certified as Wi-Fi 6E are adherent to the 802.11ax-2021 standard which mainly covers the use of the 6 GHz frequency band for commercial wireless networking. Each standard that has been released over the past few decades mark large achievements in Wi-Fi technology and faster speeds.

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