
This is the default home screen.  Access to settings, discoverable devices, and starting/stopping tests can be achieved here.  The Server IP address and port number (5201 by default) can be entered manually or pressing the search button opens the discoverable device screen (described under Bonjour Services). 


 WiFiPerf Test Home Screen


The Client and Server must be on the same network and BOTH running WiFiPerf or iPerf3 (-s) to connect. Once the Server information is entered, press “Start”.


Search For Devices

Using Apple’s Bonjour Services, devices running this app on the LAN will appear in this screen.  Select the desired device and the connection information will be put into the Test screen.


 wifiperf bonjour search


Test Settings

Test Settings can be accessed on the Test screen by pressing the Cog icon in the top right.


Having more samples will yield more definitive results, but take longer to complete.  The advanced settings allow you to test your network for more specific throughput scenarios.

wifiperf test settings and throughput variables